Trendsetter Rewards Program
Discount applied on selected products at regular price only. Offer is valid from the first day to the last day of the anniversary month. Use promo code HBDXXXX in the shopping cart to get $20, $25 ou $30 off selected frames. It cannot be combined with any other coupon, promotional offer, or separate order (excluding shipping promotions). Not applicable on pre-orders, gift cards, accessories or discounted models. No price adjustment on previous purchases. Not redeemable for cash. BonLook reserves the right to modify or terminate the promotion at any time without notice. Internet orders are sold through BonLook BC. Free delivery and returns on orders of $80 or more in Canada. Doctors of optometry.
Offer valid from May 30, 2024, 8 a.m. ET. to May 30, 2025, 8 a.m. ET. Use promo code FREEXXXX in the shopping cart to get a free pair valued at $150. It cannot be combined with any other coupon, promotional offer, or separate order. Offer does not apply to pre-orders, gift cards and accessories. Only one prescription will be accepted per order. While supplies last. No price adjustment on previous purchases. Not redeemable for cash. BonLook reserves the right to modify or terminate the promotion at any time without notice. Internet orders are sold through BonLook BC. Free delivery and returns on orders of $80 or more in Canada. Doctors of optometry.
Offer valid from May 30, 2024, 8 a.m. ET. to May 30, 2025, 8 a.m. ET. Use coupon code in the shopping cart to get free shipping on your order (value of $10). Offer does not apply to pre-orders, gift cards and accessories. Cannot be combined with another coupon or promotion. Not redeemable for cash. BonLook reserves the right to modify or discontinue this promotion at any time without notice. After 30 days, we will not accept any exchanges. Internet orders are sold through BonLook BC. Doctors of optometry.
The contest will be held every month, from the first day to the last day of each month. No purchase is necessary to enter or win. Limit of one participation per email address. The winners will be selected by random draw every month. The prize is valued at $500 CAD. The prize (for one winner every month) consists of the following: One (1) BonLook gift card, a value of $500. Not redeemable for cash. BonLook reserves the right to modify or cancel this promotion at any time without notice. Doctors of optometry.
Offer valid from June 19, 2024, 8 a.m. ET. to December 19, 2025, 8 a.m. ET. Use promo code BONLOOKXXX in the shopping cart in-store or online at RW&CO. to get $25 off on orders of $100 or more. It cannot be combined with any other coupon, promotional offer, or separate order. Offer does not apply to pre-orders, gift cards and accessories. Only one prescription will be accepted per order. While supplies last. No price adjustment on previous purchases. Not redeemable for cash. BonLook reserves the right to modify or terminate the promotion at any time without notice. Doctors of optometry.